Archivo de la categoría: Sober Living

If you take DMT along with other drugs that also change the serotonin levels in your brain, it could cause bad side effects. In rare cases, it could cause a life-threatening drug reaction called serotonin syndrome. DMT is a naturally occurring chemical that’s been used for centuries in religious ceremonies in several South American cultures. Today, its synthetic form is used for its powerful hallucinogenic effects. DMT can result in high levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Experts have suggested other receptors in the brain may also play a role, such as the sigma-1 receptor, or that a presently unknown hallucinogenic receptor may be at work. Nonetheless, it’s vital to point out that a sound mindset and safe setting have been linked to the increased likelihood of a positive experience. As with all psychedelics, set, setting, and intention are incredibly important. This can lead to a potentially life threatening condition called…

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